Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas was a little different for us this year. Our married kids were at the inlaws and Carly was the only one with us. It was a little lonely, but we still had our traditional pajama photo. Kenny called at about 9:15 am and we really enjoyed talking to him. We were able to conference call Melissa and Billy so we could all speak to him. He only has 7 months left.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Festival of the Trees

We had the opportunity to go to the Festival of the Trees to see Carly's dance students perform. The boys loved the beautiful trees displayed and were actually pretty good. Ryder was thrilled to see Santa and as you can see the look of terror on Anders' face lets you know his feelings. This was Anders first time to sit on Santa's lap without freaking out and screaming uncontrolably. Ryder asked for "Hungry, Hungry Hippos," and "SpeedRacer." Anders seemed to ask for something but in a voice only dogs can hear. It is so fun to be with our boys and they love to be together.

Easton's Illness

On Thursday morning we had a real scare over our sweet little Easton. Billy called us early in the morning to tell us that Easton's fever had spiked and he went into convulsions. Billy and Nikki had quite a few tense hours waiting in the emergency room. He had numerous tests in the hospital emergency room including a spinal tap. Everything seemed fine except his high fever and large number of white blood cells. Billy and Lynn gave him a blessing and he had a couple of days of intravenous antibiotics and he is his beautiful, happy self. We are so grateful for the blessings of the priesthood in our lives.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It is that time of year and Lynn just offered to go buy the tree without even saying one word about the house burning down. I'm not sure I'm prepared to win that easily. We got the Griswold tree from our favorite place in front of Kings.
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Santa is a Utah Man, Sir!

Saturday we went shopping at the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City. Anders wouldn't sit on Santa's lap but he was willing to be the Santa. He is a great shopping buddy while Kenny is on his mission.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl

I asked Lynn to take pictures for Thanksgiving as we were going out to play our annual family football game. This is the only one on the camera. It is a great one of Nikki and our awesome baby, Easton. I guess I can't complain. It was a beautiful day, and fairly warm. We had most of the family present, except Kenny who is on his mission. I have been asked by quite a few friends and neighbors how the game went. It has been a wonderful tradition started many years ago by Dave and Maria, my brother-in-law and sister. It was a great way to start our fun Thanksgiving Day.
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