Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Festival of the Trees

We had the opportunity to go to the Festival of the Trees to see Carly's dance students perform. The boys loved the beautiful trees displayed and were actually pretty good. Ryder was thrilled to see Santa and as you can see the look of terror on Anders' face lets you know his feelings. This was Anders first time to sit on Santa's lap without freaking out and screaming uncontrolably. Ryder asked for "Hungry, Hungry Hippos," and "SpeedRacer." Anders seemed to ask for something but in a voice only dogs can hear. It is so fun to be with our boys and they love to be together.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

What a treat to see Ryder and Anders on Santa's lap! Can't wait to see them in person. We are trying to put decor on the Christmas tree today. Michelle has overdone it today I know. She had to have a nap before we can go on. Tomorrow is her last radiation treatment. Then it's just chemo from now on.